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Learn more about managing projects, becoming pmp certified and gaining other project management certificates! PMP/PMI edukacija obuhvata oblasti potrebne za sticanje veština i praktičnog znanja koje če vam otvoriti sva vrata u poslovnom svijetu. (+387) 33 260-680 info@akademika.ba Every three years, PMP certification holders must earn 60 PMP PDUs and start the PMP renewal process respectively. After helping over 125,000 professionals in more than 180 countries with a 99.6% first attempt pass rate , we have prepared a seven-step PMP study plan.

PMP certifikat je prepoznat kao univerzalni standard izvrsnosti u Upravljanju projektima te danas sve više organizacija zahtjeva od svojih voditelja projekata ovaj certifikat. Pohađanjem Project management Akademije stječu se znanja i vještine potrebne za polaganje certifikacijskog ispita u svrhu stjecanja PMP (Project Management Professional) certifikata. PMI-RMP ®.

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Bridging Minds offers one of the most valuable certifications slips acknowledged by … 2020-12-10 2020-04-30 The requirements to get a PMI-ACP or a PMP certificate vary. Let’s examine what you need to do to earn each one below. PMP Certificate Requirements. 3 to 5 years of management experience. You must prove that you have worked on at least one successful project in a professional environment within this time frame. 4,500 – 7,500 hours.

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The PMP Certification Training in Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina will turn you into an exemplary Project Manager who can ensure completion of the project on time and within budget, meet with requirements, and maintain PMP certification training in Sarajevo.

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