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What is the meaning of -ically? How do you use -ically in a sentence? What are synonyms for -ically? 24 letter words containing log. psychoneuroendocrino log y.

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define(Verb) To demark sharply the outlines or limits of an area or concept. suffix. /ɪkli/.

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academically acoustically acrostically alchemically amitotically anagogically analogically analytically anarchically anatomically aoristically apagogically apolitically aromatically artistically athletically autistically autoptically balletically barbarically bathetically beatifically biologically bionomically cathodically catholically there are 119 eleven-letter words ending with ically. abiotically acerbically acronically actinically aerobically agnatically angelically aphetically aquatically archaically ascetically aseptically astatically botanically bucolically calorically canonically caustically centrically chaotically chronically classically comedically cryptically decanically deictically deistically delphically Definition of ically suffix in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. List of all 15-letter words ending with sequence ICALLY.

Ically words

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How do you use -ically in a sentence? What are synonyms for -ically? 2009-04-04 Enter the word you are trying to solve in the box below, using question marks in place of the letter(s) you don't know. New! You can also search for definitions and anagrams by typing in a word … Found 11758 words that end in ic. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that end with ic.

Ically words

Welcome to Here's a list of all the Words ending with ically in the English language. Click on the number of letters heading below to see the list of words which are that many characters long. What is the definition of the word define? define(Verb) To state the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol . define(Verb) To describe, explain, or make definite and clear. define(Verb) To demark sharply the outlines or limits of an area or concept.
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What is the definition of -ically?

av S Schötz · Citerat av 77 — KEY WORDS: speaker age, perceptual cues, automatic speaker recognition, acoustic ically for the natural and synthesised stimuli using the Praat script. Then,. av K Petherick · 1977 — terms "slekten": tradition, "bygda," and inherited perso talet, Trollringen). ically expressive of the gradual crescendo, climax and dyi.
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Example Sentences. Platonic Platon′ically adv. American Heritage. Translation for 'platsannons' in the  Platon′ically adv. American Heritage. Variant Platonisk translated from Swedish to Dutch including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Platonik [Official  (1) whether incidentally primed control-related words can attenuate the impact of AFMM is specif ically suited for identification of systems with jumping or  av PL Fetzer · 1993 · Citerat av 14 — "The question is" said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different ically selected Blacks less senior than Weber for the training program.