Fully Grown: Why a Stagnant Economy Is a Sign of Success
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Stagnant definition is - not flowing in a current or stream. How to use stagnant in a sentence. More 400 Stagnation synonyms. What are another words for Stagnation? Stagnancy, slump, depression. Full list of synonyms for Stagnation is here. stagflation | definition: a period of slow economic growth and high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation) | synonyms: inflation, rising prices| antonyms: deflation, disinflation, elegance Antonym search engine powered by WordHippo.
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Top stagnation antonyms (related to extent) . Antonym search engine powered by WordHippo. Find opposite words and phrases with our powerful antonym search engine. Antonym Finder: find it: Antonym Motsatsord till rörelse på antonym.se — Ta reda på vad motsatsen är till rörelse och i vilka sammanhang antonymerna används. Synonyms for stagnating in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for stagnating.
Definitions of STAGNERA, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of STAGNERA, stagnate (en) - stagnate (en) - stagnate (en) - moribund, stagnant (en)[Dérivé]. Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for nyckfull en excentrisk, nyckfull och korrupt ledare under vars ledning innebar stagnation för Kalmuckiens ekonomi.
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Antonyms for Stagnation (opposite of Stagnation). Log in. Antonyms for Stagnation. 310 opposites - opposite meaning Find 10 ways to say STAGNATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
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Opposites and Synonyms are used Synonyms & Antonyms of stagnation · downbeat, · downdraft, · downswing, · downtrend, · downturn, · slowdown. The Opposite of Stagnant. Published on August 20, 2016 August 20, 2016 • 2 Likes • 0 Comments.
a state of inactivity (in business or art etc) Synonyms: doldrums, stagnancy. Example - economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic stagnation
stagnant - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. to be stagnant, from stagnum a pool ˈstagnancy, ˈstagnance n. ' stagnant' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or tra
22 Sep 2017 “If, on the other hand, the whole thing is a misconception based on an unfortunate string of cyclical headwinds rather than a structural phenomenon, the opposite will apply. Assessing the case of secular stagnation is ther
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1) Gloom, 2) Funk, 3) Boredom, 4) Elation, 5) NULL Einschränkung Verringerung Senkung Abnahme Verkürzung Verminderung Stagnation Streichung Rezession Regression Kürzung Herabsetzung Rückbildung Schrumpfung Schwund Talsohle Flaute Tiefstand Abstrich Degression Einbuße Schmälerung Stockung Konjunkturrückgang Prasselung Andra sätt kan vara att söka efter definitionen av stagnation för att lära sig vad det egentligen betyder och innebär. Ett annat sätt som man även kan utnyttja för att hitta synonymer till ordet är att leta efter antonymer till stagnation, för att sedan göra eftersökningar på synonymer till de motsatsord man kan finna. Antonyme définition.
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Here you can find the antonyms list for the word stagnation. Also you can find some other opposite words using the online search on our website.
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dynamic nature. … Find 110 opposite words and antonyms for stagnation based on 6 separate contexts from our thesaurus. Find all the antonyms of the word stagnation presented in a simple and clear manner. More than 47,200 antonyms available on synonyms-thesaurus.com. Find 10 ways to say STAGNATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Antonyms for stagnation This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term stagnation.
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Analytic antonyms include illogical, irrational, and incoherent. When it comes to the workplace, you want to avoid analytical thinking antonyms since it can do some serious damage to your professional development and impact your chance to climb the career ladder. Overcomplicated. Inflections of 'spread' (v): (⇒ conjugate) spreads v 3rd person singular spreading v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." spread v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." "She laughed." spread v past p verb, past participle: Verb form used descriptively or to form n. development of individuals. development of personality. development of the human person.
More 400 Stagnation synonyms. What are another words for Stagnation?