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191 deviations. Full Effects. User takes on the form and attacks of the opponent. Z-Move effects. When a Pokémon is holding Normalium Z and uses its Z-Power, Transform turns into Z-Transform and fully restores the user's HP, in addition to its usual effect as above. If a Pokémon species or one of its evolution stages is missing or only one gender of this species appears, this is done on purpose to avoid inconsistencies with my future game where these species will gain a new or branched or pre- evolution or a new evolution method (e.g. all Beedrill in my game are female now because in my next game a male Kakuna will evolve into a male counterpart to Beedrill) Pokémon Transformations!?
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Pokemon Transformations. 254 deviations. Animal TF's. 72 deviations. Transformed into Submission. 191 deviations.
However, the updates and changes have removed these Transformations and we’ll continue to update them if there are changes in the future. Transformation Stories Refine by tag: transformation magic love fantasy werewolf romance adventure action pokemon change tf fight wolf revenge mermaid friendship transgender dragon shapshifter fiction Pokemon Transformation, a Studio on Scratch.
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When a Pokemon Trainer suddenly finds himself transformed into a Pokemon, he'll have to go on an adventure to find, not only the reason why he transformed, but what role he plays in a far bigger plan. Tufts of fur poofed out of my cheeks, and a black-furred muzzle grew. My lips, eyebrows and eyelashes dropped to the floor, and my nose connected to my muzzle, becoming a bright red animal nose.
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Scarlett rearranges her trench coat, it becoming uncomfortable as she begins to sweat more and more. She turns to Vitus and smiles as she takes off her large black backpack and pulls out a large piece of paper. Atop it reads: ‘Contract: Drew Tok. Transformation: Grovyle. Price: 1200$’. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators When a Pokemon Trainer suddenly finds himself transformed into a Pokemon, he'll have to go on an adventure to find, not only the reason why he transformed, but what role he plays in a far bigger plan. Tufts of fur poofed out of my cheeks, and a black-furred muzzle grew. My lips, eyebrows and eyelashes dropped to the floor, and my nose connected to my muzzle, becoming a bright red animal nose.
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She turns to Vitus and smiles as she takes off her large black backpack and pulls out a large piece of paper. Atop it reads: ‘Contract: Drew Tok. Transformation: Grovyle. Price: 1200$’. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators When a Pokemon Trainer suddenly finds himself transformed into a Pokemon, he'll have to go on an adventure to find, not only the reason why he transformed, but what role he plays in a far bigger plan. Tufts of fur poofed out of my cheeks, and a black-furred muzzle grew. My lips, eyebrows and eyelashes dropped to the floor, and my nose connected to my muzzle, becoming a bright red animal nose. The area around my eyes became a cream color, and my ears became small and round.
You also have no control over the transformation.Enter your name below to try the machine out. Pokémon Transformation Chronicals. Story #1: Max's Pokémon. As May's pokemon engaged in the most basic search pattern looking for Ash (they were far enough away A single transformation into a single pokemon using a single set of gear is not something worth getting excited over.”“Um, okay…” said Dr. Ziegler.