insufficient for His salary was insufficient for their needs. insufficient (something) to do something The heating is insufficient to kill the bacteria. Venös insufficiens är en kärlsjukdom som vanligen består i att de venösa klaffarna inte fungerar tillfredsställande. Oftast drabbas benen av tillståndet, och yttrar sig då i bland annat ödem i de nedre delarna av benen, vristerna och fötterna. 2 dagar sedan · Definition of 'insufficient'.


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Besläktade ord: insufficiens. Användning: I svensk obeståndsrätt är orden insufficient, illikvid och insolvent näraliggande. "Insufficient" innebär att skulderna är större än tillgångarna. "Illikvid" innebär en oförmåga att betala skulder.

See more. Late Middle English (in the sense ‘incapable, incompetent’): via Old French from late Latin insufficient- ‘not sufficing’, from in- ‘not’ + Latin sufficere (see suffice).

1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - insufficient とは【意味】不十分な,不足な 【例文】 an insufficient supply of fuel 「insufficient」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio  The organizational cost of insufficient sleep. February 1, 2016 | Article. By Nick van Dam and Els van der Helm.


insufficient funds {pl} ungenügende Deckung {f}fin. insufficient means nicht ausreichende Mittel {pl} insufficient memory ungenügender Speicher {m}comp.


Antonyms for insufficient. 19 synonyms for insufficient: inadequate, incomplete, scant, meagre, short, sparse, deficient Definition of insufficient in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of insufficient.
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insufficient means nicht ausreichende Mittel {pl} insufficient memory ungenügender Speicher {m}comp. insufficient notice unzureichende Kündigungsfrist {f} insufficient packing unzureichende Verpackung {f} insufficient postage unzureichendes Porto {n} insufficient provision Mangelversorgung İngilizce Türkçe online sözlük Tureng.

not sufficient; lacking in what is necessary or required: an insufficient answer. deficient in force, quality, or amount; inadequate: insufficient protection.
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There is no CA software on either of them. Rebooting the WinXP--SP2 allowed me to go forward. There was nothing in the event logs.

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Information and translations of insufficient in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. 2021-02-23 · What is insufficient disk space? Literally, the insufficient disk space on Windows 10 (or other operating systems) indicates the free space left in the target drive is not enough to complete the operation you just performed. That is to say, the process requires more space than you have. insufficient funds {pl} ungenügende Deckung {f}fin. insufficient means nicht ausreichende Mittel {pl} insufficient memory ungenügender Speicher {m}comp.

Your interest in Windows 10 is much appreciated. We understand your concern however, I suggest you to run Memory Diagnostic Tool. Definition of insufficient written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. Se hela listan på veracode.com I don't get the hexadecimal part, but I did get "insufficient quota to complete the requested service" when writing to a WinXP--SP2 machine from a WinXP--SP3. There is no CA software on either of them.

Gratis att använda. Insufficient definition, not sufficient; lacking in what is necessary or required: an insufficient answer. See more.