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Knowles, Taylor & Knowles. Knowles, Taylor & Knowles (KT&K) was a pottery company in East Liverpool, Ohio from 1854 to 1931. The original owners were: Issac Knowles, John Taylor, (Issac's son-in-law) and Homer Knowles (Issac's son). The pottery produced all types of wares from yellow ware, ironstone, and semi-vitreous dinnerware, but it is best Med projektet Soteliiderit stöder KT social- och hälsovårdens arbetsgivare inom förändringsledning, strategisk personalledning och utveckling.

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Knowles, Taylor & Knowles. Knowles, Taylor & Knowles (KT&K) was a pottery company in East Liverpool, Ohio from 1854 to 1931. The original owners were: Issac Knowles, John Taylor, (Issac's son-in-law) and Homer Knowles (Issac's son). The pottery produced all types of wares from yellow ware, ironstone, and semi-vitreous dinnerware, but it is best Med projektet Soteliiderit stöder KT social- och hälsovårdens arbetsgivare inom förändringsledning, strategisk personalledning och utveckling.
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