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Atypisk teratoid rhabdoid tumör - Atypical teratoid rhabdoid

Gå till. Frånvaro av uttryck av smarcb1 / ini1 i maligna  SMARCB1 (INI-1) is a tumor-suppressor gene located on chromosome 22q11.2. Its gene product is ubiquitously expressed in nuclei of all normal tissues. SMARCB1 gene inactivation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a diverse group of malignant neoplasms that tend to share "rhabdoid" cytomorphology. Women with RTPS are at increased risk of developing a rare type of ovarian cancer called small cell cancer of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT). In addition to the germline mutation affecting one copy of the SMARCB1 gene in each cell, an additional genetic change that deletes the normal copy of the gene is needed for a tumor to develop. This additional change is present only in the cancerous cells.

Smarcb1 cancer

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The cancer tissue page shows antibody staining of the protein in 20 different cancers. 2016-12-12 · SMARCB1 (also known as SNF5, INI1, and BAF47), a core subunit of the SWI/SNF (BAF) chromatin-remodeling complex 1,2, is inactivated in nearly all pediatric rhabdoid tumors 3,4,5.These aggressive 2005-05-15 · 1. Cancer Res. 2005 May 15;65(10):4012-9. SMARCB1/INI1 tumor suppressor gene is frequently inactivated in epithelioid sarcomas. Modena P(1), Lualdi E, Facchinetti F, Galli L, Teixeira MR, Pilotti S, Sozzi G. 2015-09-15 · 1.

2017-09-25 · Nucleoporin 210 Serves a Key Scaffold for SMARCB1 in Liver Cancer Seong Hwi Hong, Keun Hong Son, Sang Yun Ha, Tae In Wee, Sung Kyung Choi, Ji Eun Won, Hee Dong Han , Youngtae Ro, Expression of SMARCB1 in cancer tissue.

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The cancer tissue page shows antibody staining of the protein in 20 different cancers. Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (ATRTs) are very aggressive childhood malignancies of the central nervous system. The underlying genetic cause are inactivating bi-allelic mutations in SMARCB1 or (rarely) in SMARCA4. ATRT-SMARCA4 have been associated with a higher frequency of germline mutations, y … Expression of SMARCB1 (BAF47, hSNFS, Ini1, PPP1R144, RDT, Sfh1p, SNF5L1, Snr1) in cancer tissue.

Smarcb1 cancer

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SNF5 also interacts with the oncoprotein transcription factor MYC and is proposed to stimulate MYC activity. The concept that 20587 Ensembl ENSG00000099956 ENSG00000275837 ENSMUSG00000000902 UniProt Q12824 Q9Z0H3 RefSeq (mRNA) NM_001007468 NM_003073 NM_001317946 NM_001362877 NM_001161853 NM_011418 RefSeq (protein) NP_001007469 NP_001304875 NP_003064 NP_001349806 NP_001155325 NP_035548 Location (UCSC) Chr 22: 23.79 – 23.84 Mb Chr 10: 75.9 – 75.92 Mb PubMed search Wikidata View/Edit Human View/Edit Mouse SWI/SNF Expression of SMARCB1 (BAF47, hSNFS, Ini1, PPP1R144, RDT, Sfh1p, SNF5L1, Snr1) in cancer tissue. The cancer tissue page shows antibody staining of the protein in 20 different cancers. Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (ATRTs) are very aggressive childhood malignancies of the central nervous system. The underlying genetic cause are inactivating bi-allelic mutations in SMARCB1 or (rarely) in SMARCA4.

Smarcb1 cancer

Loss of SMARCB1 protein expression has been reported to be associated with atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors and malignant rhabdoid tumors of the kidney and extrarenal tissues. To date, however, SMARCB1-deficient carcinoma of the pleura has not been reported. We report the first case of SMARCB1- deficient squamous cell We describe a novel primary SMARCB1‐deficient carcinoma of skin (SDCS) and characterize SMARCB1 mutations in non‐melanoma skin cancers (NMSC). Methods. Cases underwent immunophenotyping and targeted exome sequencing (MSK‐IMPACT) assay interrogating somatic mutations in 468 cancer‐related genes.
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AT/RT belongs to the embryonal brain tumor group, comprising primitive tumors recapitulating the early development of the central nervous system during embryogenesis. The loss of SMARCB1 protein expression is a hallmark of AT/RT pathogenesis. Consistently, genetic studies leveraging a tissue-specific, conditional lentiviral-based RNAi approach in Smarcb1-deficient mice demonstrated that MYC is required for the global increase in protein biosynthesis to sustain cancer cell proliferation, as assessed by OPP (O-propargyl-puromycin) incorporation experiments, and acts as a major activator of downstream p53 signaling (Figures 4G–4K). Summaries for SMARCB1 gene (According to Entrez Gene, GeneCards, Tocris Bioscience, Wikipedia's Gene Wiki, PharmGKB, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, and/or UniProtKB/TrEMBL) About This Section: Entrez Gene summary for SMARCB1 Gene: The protein encoded by this gene is part of a complex that relieves repressive chromatin structures, allowing the SMARCB1 (INI-1) is a tumor-suppressor gene located on chromosome 22q11.2. Its gene product is ubiquitously expressed in nuclei of all normal tissues.

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SMARCB1 is altered in 1.11% of all cancers with colon adenocarcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, breast invasive ductal carcinoma, bladder urothelial carcinoma, and endometrial endometrioid adenocarcinoma having the greatest prevalence of alterations [ 3 ]. SMARCB1 GENIE Cases - Top Diseases 2021-01-15 INI‐1 (SMARCB1)–Deficient Malignancies SMARCB1 is known to be deleted in various cancer types 6, 7. Deficiency of SMARCB1 was first recognized as a distinguishing feature of atypical teratoid and rhabdoid tumor of the central nervous system and malignant rhabdoid tumors of the kidney and soft tissue 7 - 10. Expression of SMARCB1 (BAF47, hSNFS, Ini1, PPP1R144, RDT, Sfh1p, SNF5L1, Snr1) in cancer tissue. The cancer tissue page shows antibody staining of the protein in 20 different cancers.

Smarcb1 protein och mrna förlust orsakas inte av promotor

SNF5 also interacts with the oncoprotein transcription factor MYC and is proposed to stimulate MYC activity. The concept that 20587 Ensembl ENSG00000099956 ENSG00000275837 ENSMUSG00000000902 UniProt Q12824 Q9Z0H3 RefSeq (mRNA) NM_001007468 NM_003073 NM_001317946 NM_001362877 NM_001161853 NM_011418 RefSeq (protein) NP_001007469 NP_001304875 NP_003064 NP_001349806 NP_001155325 NP_035548 Location (UCSC) Chr 22: 23.79 – 23.84 Mb Chr 10: 75.9 – 75.92 Mb PubMed search Wikidata View/Edit Human View/Edit Mouse SWI/SNF Expression of SMARCB1 (BAF47, hSNFS, Ini1, PPP1R144, RDT, Sfh1p, SNF5L1, Snr1) in cancer tissue.

Frånvaro av uttryck av smarcb1 / ini1 i maligna rhabdoid Hjärntumör - 1177 Vårdguiden  Cancer Hotspot PanelGTR-test IDHelpEach Test är ett specifikt, beställbart test Gen: RPTOR (17q25.3); Gen: SMAD4 (18q21.2); Gen: SMARCB1 (22q11.23)  Foto.