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The Correct Answer is simple sugar Reason Explained simple sugar is correct for Carbohydrate polymers are made up of__________ monomers. Carbohydrate polymers are made up of ______ monomers. simple sugars. Nucleic acid polymers are made up of ______ monomers.

Carbohydrate polymers are made up of

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Carbohydrates include sugars, starches, and fibers. They are symbolized by the formula (CH 2 O) n. Carbohydrates are one of the four basic macromolecules of life. They are a polymer made up of monomers called monosaccharides. These building blocks are simple sugars, e.g., glucose and fructose. Two monosaccharides connected together makes a disaccharide.

Four classes of biological macromolecules: _ _ Polymers are made up of smaller parts called Carbohydrate- A source of energy made by oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Carbs can all be summed up as one word; Sugar. Sugar gives engergy to the body, and that is exactly what carbs are.

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For example, glucose is a monomer, and starch is a polymer of many glucose monomers conjoined in a row. Think Lego blocks: one Lego block is a monomer (1), two blocks make up a dimer (2), and three or more Lego blocks are polymers. Carbohydrate polymers are made up of_____ monomers. When nucleotides polymerize to form a nucleic acid _____.

Carbohydrate polymers are made up of

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water molecules are produced as a polymer is formed from monomers. You’ll find the correct answer below Carbohydrate polymers are made up of _____ monomers. The Correct Answer is simple sugar Reason Explained simple sugar is correct for Carbohydrate polymers are made up of ______ monomers. carbohydrate polymers are made up of ________ monomers. simple sugar. Protein polymers are made up of ______ monomers.

Carbohydrate polymers are made up of

Most large biological molecules are polymers, long chains made up of Carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins are often found as long polymers in nature. Starch is the stored form of sugars in plants and is made up of a mixture of two polysaccharides, amylose and amylopectin (both polymers of glucose). Plants are  A novel in situ forming polysaccharides/polypeptide hydrogel composed of naturally derived materials for applications as adhesive sealant and hemostatic  1 Oct 2019 1) Homopolysaccharides are composed of a single type of monosaccharide units , such as cellulose, starch, dextrin, and chitin.
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These polymers are composed of different monomers and serve different functions. Carbohydrates: molecules composed of sugar monomers. They are necessary for energy storage.

Rubber is a mixture of polymers. Plastics are man-made polymers. Many fibers are made of polymers. If the "units" called monomers in a polymer are all the same, then the polymer is called a "homopolymer".
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2020-01-24 · Sugar is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. It's the way these atoms are connected that makes each type of carbohydrate different.

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Carbohydrate Polymers 105, pp Andersson, R., Westerlund, E., Tilly, A.-C. av H Kullberg · 1977 — How to make transportation [of forest products] by rail cheaper. [1977]. Kullberg H​.; Istituto per le Ricerche e le Informazioni di Mercato e la Valorizzazione della  Anmeldelse: Ulrika Wennersten, Immaterialrätt och skydd av samhällsideal – en studie av klassikerskyddet i upphovsrätten och undantagen i varumärkesrätten,  9 nov.

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The monomer of carbohydrates are either formed due to the breakdown of complex carbohydrates or by the synthesis in the body. Common organic chemicals found in all living organisms, important in energy metabolism and structural polymers, carbohydrate molecules are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The most common carbohydrate polymers that are found in nature are cellulose, starch, dextrins and cyclodextrins, chitin and chitosan, hyaluronic acid, and … Biopolymers versus synthetic polymers. A major defining difference between biopolymers and synthetic polymers can be found in their structures. All polymers are made of repetitive units called monomers.Biopolymers often have a well-defined structure, though this is not a defining characteristic (example: lignocellulose): The exact chemical composition and the sequence in which these units are Polymers are the large, complex molecules built from smaller, less complex monomer molecules. They are controlled by enzymes.