Gjensidige Forsikring ASA: Ex dividend NOK 7.40 today


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øre). For further information, please contact: SAS press office, +46 8 797 2944. Michel Fischier, VP Investor Relations, +46 70 997 0673. Press release - PDF; Advisors to the Company I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Matt Shimao, Head of Investor Relations. Sir, you may begin.

Nok investor relations

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Delårsrapporter · Årsredovisningar · Kalender · Aktien · Aktiepriser · Historiska aktiepriser  Investor relations · Recapitalization plan · Rekapitaliseringsplan · Shareholder program · Financial targets and achievements · Financial data · Debt and credit  Uppdraget uppgår till cirka NOK 23 miljoner, motsvarande cirka 45.000 konsulttimmar. --Byggherren Telenor förväntar sig ett modernt bygge med stor  Investor relations. Tillbaka Programstorlek, SEK 25 000 000 000 (eller motvärdet därav i EUR resp NOK). Löptid, 1-15 år Verdipapirsentralen ASA (NOK). Sparebanken Sør legger ut regnskapsrapporter, låneavtaler og lånebeskrivelser av utstedte obligasjonslån på sidene. I tillegg finner du ratingvurderinger her.

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB är SAS finansiella  Underliggande EBITDA för andra kvartalet var 2 047 miljoner NOK (2 503 av aktierna i Yesil Enerji från det turkiska företaget Global Investment Holdings. För affärsområde Interiör och design uppgår försäljningen i EUR till ca 12 % (11 %), försäljningen i NOK till ca 17 % (13 %) och försäljningen i DKK till ca 8 % (3  NOK - ett tyskt och ett japanskt företag. som samarbetar i en allians; SKF med.


• Market cap. 07 April 2015, NOK 5,71 bn. SAS AB (publ) (”SAS”) har tecknat en ny kreditfacilitet på 1,5 miljarder NOK med en löptid på tre år, Michel Fischier, VP Investor Relations, +46 70 997 0673.

Nok investor relations

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Low. 17.31. Turnover. 44.75 mill. Market cap. 10.02 bi. On August 25, 2020, Aker ASA hosted a presentation of Aker Carbon Capture and  Investor relations activities at NRC Group aim to ensure that the information to publicly disclose all tenders awarded with value exceeding NOK 30 million.

Nok investor relations

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We are a public limited-liability company listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki, … We are proud to have Thai Airways International as our major shareholders along with other forward-looking investors in our company. Our company was initially registered on 10 February 2004 under the name ‘Sky Asia Limited’, this had been subsequently changed to Nok Airlines and has since been trading in the Stock Exchange of Thailand from 20 June 2013 2018-10-17 2 days ago Det sammanlagda belopp i NOK som en tecknare ska betala ska avrundas uppåt till hela ören.

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For general inquiries please use ir@zalaris.com . We aim to provide investors and analysts with comprehensive, precise and Borr Drilling Limited – Q4 2020 Presentation All currencies presented in NOK. Investor relations. 208.20. +1.20 +0.58 %. Updated: 16 Apr 21 14:30 (CET). More share details. REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS.

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We are a public limited-liability company listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki, Euronext Paris and New York Stock Exchange. As stated in its Charter of Corporate Behavior, the NOK Group supports the development of the economy and society, and also operates its business in such a manner that all stakeholders, together with the NOK Group, can continue pursuing their dreams with pride. As stated in its Charter of Corporate Behavior, the NOK Group supports the development of the economy and society, and also operates its business in such a manner that all stakeholders, together with the NOK Group, can continue pursuing their dreams with pride. 2021-04-15 · Investor introduction. Scatec is a leading integrated independent renewable power producer, delivering affordable, rapidly deployable and sustainable clean energy worldwide. As a long- term player, Scatec develops, builds, owns and operates solar, wind and hydro power plants and storage solutions. All power plants in operation totalling 3,045 MW. Welcome to Fingerprints' Investor Relations section.

9.30. Change: 0. Volume: 18,059. High: 9.3. Low: 9.3. Last updated 04:25 CEST 04.16.2021.