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View the current price trend and analyse the historical price charts. Brent crude oil price today: follow the latest market developments and trends with Brent Oil streaming price, Charts, Forecasts, News and Macro Data. Everything in:USD•As of: Apr 20 08:03 UTC•Market: Open. Overview.
Brent Crude Oil Spot Price is at a current level of 66.54, up from 65.98 the previous market day and up from 19.75 one year ago. Brent Crude - Historical Annual Data; Year Average Closing Price Year Open Year High Year Low Year Close Annual % Change; 2021: $61.44: $50.37: $69.95: $50.37: $66.54: 29.91%: 2020: $41.96: $67.05: $70.25: $9.12: $51.22-24.42%: 2019: $64.28: $54.06: $74.94: $53.23: $67.77: 34.01%: 2018: $71.34: $66.65: $86.07: $50.57: $50.57-24.22%: 2017: $54.71: $56.82: $66.80: $44.82: $66.73: 17.44%: 2016: $45.13: $37.22: $56.82: $27.88: $56.82 Brent Crude Oil prices - historical: DATE: OPEN: HIGH: LOW: CLOSE: 23/04/2021 65.8 66.3 65.16 66.11 22/04/2021 65.13 65.83 64.58 65.4 21/04/2021 66.22 66.52 64.96 65.32 20/04/2021 67.2 68.08 65.51 66.57 19/04/2021 Brent increased 14.08 USD/BBL or 27.18% since the beginning of 2021, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks the benchmark market for this commodity. Historically, Brent crude oil reached an all time high of 147.50 in July of 2008. Brent Oil Futures historical prices: closing price, open, high, low, change and %change of the Brent Oil Futures for the selected range of dates. View History: Daily Weekly Annual : Download Data (XLS File) Europe Brent Spot Price FOB (Dollars per Barrel) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Barrel = 42 Gallons. Oil (Brent) Price Per 1 Gallon. 1.58 USD. 1 Barrel ≈ 158,98 Liters.
The 2020 average spot price for Brent crude oil was 41.96 U.S. dollars.
Brent crude spot price today, Brent CFD oil contract chart
Brent Crude Oil Spot Price is at a current level of 62.38, up from 61.89 the previous market day and up from 20.23 one year ago. Brent Crude (BZ:NMX) Historical Prices - Nasdaq offers historical prices & market activity data for US and global markets. Brent Crude - Historical Annual Data; Year Average Closing Price Year Open Year High Year Low Year Close Annual % Change; 2021: $61.14: $50.37: $69.95: $50.37: $62.38: 21.79%: 2020: $41.96: $67.05: $70.25: $9.12: $51.22-24.42%: 2019: $64.28: $54.06: $74.94: $53.23: $67.77: 34.01%: 2018: $71.34: $66.65: $86.07: $50.57: $50.57-24.22%: 2017: $54.71: $56.82: $66.80: $44.82: $66.73: 17.44%: 2016: $45.13: $37.22: $56.82: $27.88: $56.82 To understand and analyze the movement of Brent Crude price, you can see our price history table and real-time prices above. Learn more about how to trade Oil. Brent Crude Oil Price Chart.
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Brent is produced in the North Sea and is used as a reference price for roughly two-thirds of the global.
Historical Monthly Volumes. Indices. Markers. The 2020 average spot price for Brent crude oil was 41.96 U.S. dollars.
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Brent Crude Oil Graphs (one month, one year, three years, all time).
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Onlinebokning säsong 2019 – Arkösunds Camping - Lång
470.29 USD. 1 Barrel = 42 Gallons. Oil (Brent) Price Per 1 Gallon. 1.52 USD. 1 Barrel ≈ 158,98 Liters. Oil (Brent) Price Per 1 Liter. 0.40 USD. View History: Daily Weekly Annual : Download Data (XLS File) Europe Brent Spot Price FOB (Dollars per Barrel) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Brent Oil Futures historical prices: closing price, open, high, low, change and %change of the Brent Oil Futures for the selected range of dates.
This was roughly double from the average monthly price one year prior, with prices having notably Crude Oil Prices - Historical Annual Data; Year Average Closing Price Year Open Year High Year Low Year Close Annual % Change; 2021: $58.77: $47.62: $66.09: $47.62: $62.14: 28.07%: 2020: $39.68: $61.17: $63.27: $11.26: $48.52-20.64%: 2019: $56.99: $46.31: $66.24: $46.31: $61.14: 35.42%: 2018: $65.23: $60.37: $77.41: $44.48: $45.15-25.32%: 2017: $50.80: $52.36: $60.46: $42.48: $60.46: 12.48%: 2016: $43.29: $36.81: $54.01: $26.19 Anyway, I think it's alright for a graph of 150 years of history to wait until the year's end to incorporate its data. Instead, I've created this graph, which uses all available monthly average Brent spot prices from this EIA spreadsheet and the United States Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), seasonally adjusted, from here ( This is a direct link; but there may be a better one). Brent and WTI Spot. World oil prices are most often referenced to the Brent Oil price in the UK or the WTI Oil price in the USA. These oil prices are determined on the futures market (electronic financial exchange) around the world. When making decisions to invest in Oil and Gas, complete Seismic Evaluation, or conduct Geology Studies and Reservoir Oil (Brent) Price Per 1 Liter 0.42 USD 1 Barrel = 336 Pint Oil (Brent) Price Per 1 Pint 0.20 USD 2021-04-25 · From the history charts, we can see that the price of Brent crude oil is never immutable.