Kerstin Sjögren Fugl-Meyer -


Fugl-Meyer Assessment Institutionen för neurovetenskap och

2016-08-02 · Excellent correlations between Wrist and Hand Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer (w/h UE FM) and the Action Research Arm Test across two trials: (r = 0.74) and (r = 0.67) See et al, 2013; n=12 .These exams were performed on 12 patients (of the cohort of 31 described under Reliability testing above), 4 separate visits across a treatment period, for a total of 48 exams. Fugl-Meyer (FM) assessment.3 Of its 5 domains (motor, sensory, balance, range of motion, joint pain), the motor domain, which includes an assessment of the upper extremity (UE) and lower extremity (LE), has well-established reliabil-ity and validity as an indicator of motor impairment severity Översikt Engelsk benämning på mätmetoden Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA)Kort beskrivning av mätmetoden Bedömning av sensomotorisk funktion enligt Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) är en internationellt erkänd mätmetod för bedömning av motorisk funktion hos en person med hemipares efter stroke. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) är ett standardiserat bedömningsinstrument för sensomotorisk funktion, utvecklad och validerad för personer med hemipares efter s Fugl-Meyer AR, Jaasko L, Leyman I, Olsson S, Steglind S. The post-stroke hemiplegic patient. 1. A method for evaluation of physical performance.

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Duncan PW, Propst M, Nelson SG. Reliability of the Fugl-Meyer assessment of sensorimotor recovery following cerebrovascular accident the Fugl-Meyer motor assessment (FMA) is described and assessed, and implications for clinical trials considered. Methods. A standardized FMA scoring approach and training materials were assembled, including a manual, scoring sheets, and instructional video plus patient videos. Fugl-Meyer AR, Jaasko L, Leyman I, Olsson S, Steglind S: The post-stroke hemiplegic patient. 1.

För 2002-09-01 · The Fugl-Meyer is a well-designed, feasible and efficient clinical examination method that has been tested widely in the stroke population. Its primary value is the 100-point motor domain, which has received the most extensive evaluation. Kerstin Sjögren Fugl-Meyer.

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Exportera. Kerstin Fugl-Meyer.

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2013 Oct;27(8):732-41. doi: 10.1177/1545968313491000.

Fugl meyer

It is applied clinically and in research to determine disease severity, describe motor recovery, and to plan and assess treatment. 2016-08-02 · Excellent correlations between Wrist and Hand Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer (w/h UE FM) and the Action Research Arm Test across two trials: (r = 0.74) and (r = 0.67) See et al, 2013; n=12 .These exams were performed on 12 patients (of the cohort of 31 described under Reliability testing above), 4 separate visits across a treatment period, for a total of 48 exams. Fugl-Meyer (FM) assessment.3 Of its 5 domains (motor, sensory, balance, range of motion, joint pain), the motor domain, which includes an assessment of the upper extremity (UE) and lower extremity (LE), has well-established reliabil-ity and validity as an indicator of motor impairment severity Översikt Engelsk benämning på mätmetoden Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA)Kort beskrivning av mätmetoden Bedömning av sensomotorisk funktion enligt Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) är en internationellt erkänd mätmetod för bedömning av motorisk funktion hos en person med hemipares efter stroke. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) är ett standardiserat bedömningsinstrument för sensomotorisk funktion, utvecklad och validerad för personer med hemipares efter s Fugl-Meyer AR, Jaasko L, Leyman I, Olsson S, Steglind S. The post-stroke hemiplegic patient. 1. A method for evaluation of physical performance.
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Karin Milles, Jessica Holmdahl, Ida Melander, Kerstin Fugl-Meyer. Hittills har Dicot slutit avtal med följande experter: Kerstin Fugl-Meyer - professor emerita i socialt arbete, med inriktning mot klinisk sexologi vid Karolinska Institutet  Timed Up and Go (TUG). • Motorik. – Fugl Meyer Assessmentsscale (FMA). • Ångest.

It is designed to assess motor functioning, sensation, balance, joint range of motion and joint pain in patients with post-stroke hemiplegia Complete paralysis of the arm, leg, and trunk on one side of the body that results from damage to the parts of the brain that control muscle movements. the Fugl-Meyer motor assessment (FMA) is described and assessed, and implications for clinical trials considered.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - Taylor & Francis Online

Epub 2013 Jun 17. PubMed PMID: 23774125. The Fugl-Meyer Assessment of Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) is one of the most used and recommended assessment scales of sensorimotor function in stroke.

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En kronisk stroke patient uppvisade förbättring i Fugl-Meyer bedömningsskala och armbåge flexor spasticitet efter en 2-veckors applicering av  Inlägg om Kerstin Fugl-Meyer skrivna av Medicinjournalisten.

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It is designed to assess motor functioning, balance, sensation and joint functioning in patients with post-stroke hemiplegia. It is applied clinically and in research to determine disease severity, describe motor recovery, and to plan and assess treatment. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) scale is an index to assess the sensorimotor impairment in individuals who have had stroke. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) scale is an index to assess the sensorimotor impairment in individuals who have had stroke. The Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) is a stroke-specific, performance-based impairment index. It is designed to assess motor functioning, sensation, balance, joint range of motion and joint pain in patients with post-stroke hemiplegia (Fugl-Meyer, Jaasko, Leyman, Olsson, & Steglind, 1975; Gladstone, Danells, & Black, 2002).