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Vad betyder reserv? något som sparats eller hålls i beredskap (för nödfall):  Wiktionary Translations for reserv: reserv. noun. military: body of troops in the rear of an army. reserve → reserv. sports: reserve player. reserve → reserv.


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År 2006 avdelades ett kompani, motsvarande ett skyttekompani, för att stå i operativ reserv som omedelbart  Reserv- & slitdelar. Esab. Fronius.


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Kurs Program. Heltid Many translated example sentences containing "reserv" – English-Swedish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Som reserv är det viktigt att du bekräftar att du vill ha kvar din plats i reservkön. Det finns fortfarande chans Translation of reserv to English in Swedish-English dictionary, with synonyms, definitions, pronunciation, example of usage and more. Many translated example sentences containing "i reserv" – English-Swedish 3,​9 miljarder euro till en ny reserv för kriser inom jordbrukssektorn och upp till 2,8  Reserv kardborreband för golvskra. 5863001.


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a (1) : a military force withheld from action for later decisive use —usually used in … As a verb, to reserve is to stash something away or to set it aside for future use. Reserve can also refer to backup supplies or resources. If a military is running out of ammunition or food, they may have to dig into the reserve to replenish their supplies. Reserve is also used as a verb to mean "obtain Reserved Start Page.

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