Lietuvoje bendrovė veikia nuo 2005 m. Joje jau dirba beveik 300 specialistų. Norian Accounting (SD draudėjo kodas 764294, mokesčių mokėtojo kodas 300517495) 2021-04-15 dienos pradžioje VALSTYBINIO SOCIALINIO DRAUDIMO FONDO VALDYBAI (Sodrai) skolų neturėjo. Norian Accounting, UAB was established in Lithuania in 2005 and delivers Darbo skelbimai Vilniuje, Kaune, Klaipėdoje ir kt.
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Darbo skelbimų pasirinkimas - , siųskit savo CV dabar! darbo portalas. Darbas buhalteriams, finansininkams Rodomi 427 skelbimai (žiūrėti visus 6 865 skelbimus) FINNISH SPEAKING ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST NORIAN Norian Accounting, UAB Geriausi darbo skelbimai kiekvienam ieškančiajam darbo, geriausi kandidatai kiekvienam darbdaviui. Darbo skelbimų pasirinkimas - NORIAN ACCOUNTING, UAB, siųskit savo CV dabar!
Norėdami toliau naršyti mūsų portale, susisiekite telefonu +370 5 219 0032 NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe.
The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. UAB „Norian Accounting“ NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future oriented IT solutions. NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe.
specialiste, buhaltere; Headex group-1,5 m- buhaltere; Norian accounting UAB- 3 m- apskaitos specialiste. O mano asmeninė istorija tik patvirtina, kad dviejų kalbų mokovai yra labai reikalingi Lietuvos darbo rinkai.“ Beatričė Paulikaitė, „Norian Accounting“ apskaitos 19 lapkr. 2019 Registro tvarkytojo skelbimai apie juridinio asmens likvidavimą Registro tvarkytojo iniciatyva . buveinės adresu, nuo 2019 m. lapkričio 18 d.
The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions.
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The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. In 2017 our company was awarded as the Best employer of NORIAN palaiko dideles darbuotojų ambicijas, nuolat skatindami tobulėti ir vystyti į žinias orientuotą darbo aplinką. Žmonės NORIAN sėkmė priklauso nuo mūsų darbuotojų; nuo jų kompetencijos, įsitraukimo, iniciatyvumo, komandinio darbo ir užduočių vykdymo gebėjimų norian accounting, uab NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe.
The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. norian accounting, uab NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe.
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Darbo užmokesčio valdymas ir jo procesai yra svarbi verslo dalis, tačiau norint tinkamai tai valdyti, reikia daug ką sekti.
In 2017 our company was awarded as the Best employer of the service sector in Lithuania. NORIAN ACCOUNTING UAB provides accounting, payroll, consulting, outsourcing, intelligent automation and IT solution services in Northern Europe. The primary goal of the company is to simplify accounting and finance for the customers through professional employees and future-oriented IT solutions. In 2017 our company was awarded as the Best employer of the service sector in Lithuania.
Viktorija has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Viktorija’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Naujausi darbo skelbimai iš populiariausų Lietuvos tiekėjų. Naujausi darbo skelbimai iš populiariausų Lietuvos tiekėjų. Įmonės Norian Accounting, UAB vidutinis visų darbuotojų atlyginimas 2020 m.