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Ressel Rederi - Anders Fahlman
ADVETO is expanding its presence throughout the globe by partnering with well known, reliable companies within the field of Marine Electronics. This is a direct consequence of the rapid growth of ADVETO’s ECDIS-4000 users. Adveto ECDIS-4000 Compare Adveto Box 8028 163 08 Spanga Sweden Specifications General Current version number. 4000.10.237 Year of current version. 2010 Basics ADVETO AB Box 8028, SE-163 08 Spånga (Stockholm), Sweden Tel +46 8 36 69 05 • Fax +46 8 36 18 85 Adveto ECDIS-4000 functions Extended model Standard model Base model The Swedish company Adveto in Stockholm-Spånga offers the world market complete digital systems for precision CURRENT IHO ECDIS and ENC STANDARDS.
The purpose ADVETO: Leverantör av ECDIS-system De övriga fartygen har utrustats av Wärtsilä Voyage, Furuno och Adveto, som en integrerad del av deras ECDIS. 65 % av alla olyckor till sjöss ADVETO levererar ECDIS till Styrsöbolaget Vi är glada över samarbetet med ADVETO. ECDIS användning ombord obligatoriskt på ett stort antal fartyg. Det är nu klart vilka tre ECDIS-leverantörer som kommer att leverera Transas, Wärtsilä SAM Electronics samt svenska Adveto kommer att ECDIS/Radar vill uppfatta dataströmmen som data från en reell AIS Programmet er hittills testat mot Transas NaviSailor 3000 och ADVETO Aecdis2000. Three leading ECDIS-suppliers, Transas, Wärtsilä SAM Electronics and Adveto, will provide the first Sea Traffic Management-compatible on-board systems.
Adveto Startsida. Alla nuvarande ECDIS-4000 system är utrustade med IHO presentation library v3 4 oberoende av version:BASE, STD Våra fabrikat är i huvudsak Adveto – BlueFlow – JRC – KVH – Sailor – Victron.
LEVERANTÖRSMÄSSA - Maritima Klustret
Adveto AB. Experter på elektroniska levererat av Bru de Navigationssystem: Adveto ECDIS-4000 med dubbla kontrollen heter levererat av Ramantenn. Bemanning: 3 st (Fartygsbefäl, styrman och Adveto starts development of new ECDIS G8! The G8 is a completely new product but equipped with a “Classic Mode” with same controls and presentation as in our current ECDIS systems.
Adveto Aecdis - Petabyte AB
(Image: STM) Adveto är en välkänd aktör inom Marin Elektronisk Navigation och ECDIS-system sedan starten december 1985. Adveto ECDIS och ECS används ombord på alla typer av fartyg och av flera länders Nationella Sjöfartsverk. Flest Adveto användare finns det i de Skandinaviska länderna men antalet användare i övriga världen ökar successivt. ECDIS-4000 from Adveto has features like multi-routes, advanced predictors, alternative night presentation, and download of PRIMAR charts and chart updates over the internet directly into the ECDIS, making Adveto ECDIS an appropriate system for HSC operation. “We are proud to have Norled as a very demanding customer. Totem Plus has introduced unique features into its ecdis package for preventing “Our all new Adveto Ecdis will, of course, meet the new IHO standards. 16 Jun 2017 The Adveto ECDIS route on the ship to the left appears in the Kongsberg Shore Centre application to the right.
ECDIS Ltd söker aktivt partnerskap med välrenommerade ECDIS tillverkare som erbjuder typgodkända system. PRESS RELEASE Thursday, 28 January 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. ADVETO´s new ECDIS-4000 with unique functionalities certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) DNV has certified that Adveto´s new ECDIS-4000 complies with all relevant regulations and standards for use onboard SOLAS vessels and High Speed Crafts. ECDIS-4000 from Adveto has features like multi routes, advanced predictors, the alternative night presentation and download of PRIMAR charts and chart updates over Internet directly into the ECDIS. Adveto-Ecdis News: STM Validation: Interoperable Ship And Shore Center Services, New Adveto ECDIS Training Program, Adveto To Upgrade, Support 26 Passenger
“Adveto is the first of our distributors to implement this service fully and to have the ESIG type-approved as part of its ECDIS-4000 certificate.” Adveto chief executive Kent Sylvén believes that the new system will be of great benefit to vessel operators, in reducing both the time and costs involved with chart folio maintenance. Adveto will supply ECDIS-4000 devices to four Viking Line vessels. According to Kent Sylvén, managing director of Adveto, the company operates predominantly in the confined archipelagos between Sweden and Finland, which poses unique navigational challenges.
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ADVETO AB Box 8028, SE-163 08 Spånga (Stockholm), Sweden Tel +46 8 36 69 05 • Fax +46 8 36 18 85 Adveto ECDIS-4000 functions Extended model Standard model Base model The Swedish company Adveto in Stockholm-Spånga offers the world market complete digital systems for precision
The ADVETO ECDIS-4000 is based on IMO requirements and more than 20 years of experience with innumerable users around the globe. fullmakt
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Självklart kan alla versioner av ECDIS-4000 använda det nya 225 ECDIS STM systems - Adveto is one of three selected suppliers! Starting 2015 and running till the end of 2018 the STM Validation Project will demonstrate the STM concept in large-scale test beds in both the Nordic and Mediterranean Seas, encompassing around 300 vessels, 10 ports and 5 shore based service centers as well as using the European Maritime Simulator Network.
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Trodde mest de Vem som är störst av Transas, Adveto eller Kongsberg vet jag inte. ADVETO ECDIS. ECDIS The ADVETO ECDIS is based on IMO requirements and more than 20 years of experience with innumerable users around the globe. Adveto Startsida. Adveto Startsida. Alla nuvarande ECDIS-4000 system är utrustade med IHO presentation library v3 4 oberoende av version:BASE, STD Våra fabrikat är i huvudsak Adveto – BlueFlow – JRC – KVH – Sailor – Victron. Kontakt: Mikael Exempel på kurser: ECDIS, ROC, Fartygs- och maskinbefäl kl8.
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Arild Mathiessen, sales & project engineer at Westronic in Bergen, notes: “ECDIS-4000 from ADVETO has features like multi routes, advanced predictors, the alternative night presentation and download of PRIMAR charts and chart updates over (the) internet Sweden's Adveto ECDIS-4000 system on board 'National Geographics Explorer' upgraded to fulfil IMO compliance standard. During the vessel's recent visit to Scandinavia the National Geographics “ECDIS-4000 from ADVETO has features like multi routes, advanced predictors, alternative night presentation and download of PRIMAR charts and chart updates over Internet directly into the ECDIS. Adveto Available from Adveto Support/Resellers Updates available for all previous versions of ECDIS-4000 Peter Nilsson Tide Admiral (image) is similar to the newbuilds and has already dual ADVETO ECDIS-4000 onboard. "Westronic started to work with ADVETO´s ECDIS four years ago. I must conclude that according to my opinion ADVETO has the best ECDIS on the market for the HSC vessels," says Arild Mathiessen, sales & project engineer at Westronic AS in Bergen.
225 ECDIS STM systems - Adveto is one of three selected suppliers! Starting 2015 and running till the end of 2018 the STM Validation Project will demonstrate the STM concept in large-scale test beds in both the Nordic and Mediterranean Seas, encompassing around 300 vessels, 10 ports and 5 shore based service centers as well as using the European Maritime Simulator Network. ADVETO AB Box 8028, SE-163 08 Spånga (Stockholm), Sweden Tel +46 8 36 69 05 • Fax +46 8 36 18 85 Adveto ECDIS-4000 functions Extended model Standard model Base model The Swedish company Adveto in Stockholm-Spånga offers the world market complete digital systems for precision The ADVETO ECDIS-4000 is based on IMO requirements and more than 20 years of experience with innumerable users around the globe. ECDIS-4000 offers any navigator a user-friendly, costeffective solution with unique functionalities for precision navigation of professional vessels with ECDIS and ENCs. Multirutt i ECDIS-4000 Enkelt att välja önskat ruttalternativ med hänsyn till väder, möten mm. Prova själv att klicka i bilden ovan! Precisionsnavigering och elektroniska sjökort även för övriga yrkessjöfarten dvs.