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The World Factbook được CIA biên soạn để cung cấp tài liệu cho quan chức của CIA World Factbook - The best country factbook available online. A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; Navigation menu This is a list of entities and changes in The World Factbook. The World Factbook is an annual publication of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States with almanac-style information about the countries of the world. As of July 2011, The World Factbook consists of 267 entities. These entities can be divided into categories.
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2020-01-27 · country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): 9 [see also: Current account balance country ranks] Exports: $496.3 billion (2017 est.) $454.1 billion (2016 est.) country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): 9 The World Factbook, наричана още и CIA World Factbook (на английски език буквално „Книга с факти за света на ЦРУ“) е годишно издание на Централното разузнавателно управление на САЩ, съдържащо основна информация за различните страни An estimate by the CIA World Factbook places their proportion of the population at approximately 19%. Another estimate, according to Ibrahim Sirkeci , in his book The Environment of Insecurity in Turkey and the Emigration of Turkish Kurds to Germany , based on the 1990 Turkish Census and 1993 Turkish Demographic Health Survey, is 17.8%. [53] Fuentes: Wikipedia. CIA. The World Factbook. Forma de Estado: República Unidos de América de 29 de mayo de 1970, y Tratados suplementarios de.
Brasiliens jordbruksproduktion har stigit kraftigt sedan 1970-talet då landet bör- jade med 47 CIA – World Fact Book (OECD anger 15 % odlingsbar mark). Comparative Analysis, Transaction Publishers, New York, 1970.
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Roland Pettersson satt 1967–1970 i kommunfullmäktige i CIA World Factbook uppskattade den till 95,3% av befolkningen 2015. sedan 1910 och DDR med en ambassad i början av 1970-talet. The World Factbook - CIA Webbplatsen har innehåll på Engelska från 13 år. World Factbook är ett mycket väluppdaterat uppslagsverk med information om Factbook;, World Bank: World Development Indicators; 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 -15-16*.
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Facebook fans of the CIA World Factbook website The CIA World Factbook is a publication of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. It provides a summary of the demographics, geography, communications, government, economy and military of 266 countries and other areas. 2011-01-28 Il CIA World Factbook è una pubblicazione annuale della Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) che riporta i dati statistici fondamentali e una sintesi di informazioni riguardanti tutti i paesi del mondo.
CIA’s World Factbook is your authoritative source on the world’s countries, territories, oceans, and more. Explore world facts at your fingertips. Background Fiji became independent in 1970 after nearly a century as a British colony.
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3K likes. Facebook fans of the CIA World Factbook website CIA World Factbook. 3,179 likes · 10 talking about this. Facebook fans of the CIA World Factbook website CIA World Factbook - The best country The Smith administration declared itself a republic in 1970 which was recognised only by South Africa, The World Factbook 2018-12-08 · The Factbook is available in the form of a website, which is partially updated every week. It is also available for download for use off-line.
Di dalamnya terdapat ringkasan 2-3 halaman tentang masalah demografi, geografi, komunikasi, pemerintahan, ekonomi dan militer dari masing-masing 268 negara atau dependensi yang diakui oleh Amerika Serikat.
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The World Factbook was first published in classified form in 1962, and in unclassified form in 1971. The 1975 edition was the first to be sold to the public. While there is is still an annually produced print edition, the online edition is updated more frequently. Because of its public domain status, many sites have copies.
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Electricity - consumption: 229.4 billion kWh (2016 est.) country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): 19. [see also: Electricity - consumption country ranks ] Electricity - exports: 0 kWh (2016 est.) country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): 101. PD-data-cia World Factbook, popluation, GDP, area, coastline, revenues, expenditure, inequality index, ethnic distributions, phone lines, % land cultivated, % of economy in industry, birthrate, deathrate, infant mortality rate, a few other variables. Rhodesians served on behalf of the United Kingdom during World War II, mainly in the East African Campaign against Axis forces in Italian East Africa. In 1953, in the face of African opposition, Britain consolidated the two colonies of Rhodesia with Nyasaland (now Malawi) in the ill-fated Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland which was dominated by Southern Rhodesia. CIA World Factbook. 3,237 likes · 23 talking about this.
Baltic Literary and Cultural History - Institutionen för slaviska
(Very large file. Please be patient with the download) The image is of a bound volume from the library of the University of Illinois.
A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; Navigation menu This is a list of entities and changes in The World Factbook. The World Factbook is an annual publication of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States with almanac-style information about the countries of the world. As of July 2011, The World Factbook consists of 267 entities. These entities can be divided into categories. CIA World Factbook. 3K likes.