In 2008 en 2009 zyn der, oundermêer up 'n êestn dag van d'Olympische Speeln van Peking, êentige ansloagn ewist. Xinjiang (East Turkestan) and Tibet are sometimes seen as part of Central Asia. Broader and looser definitions by international organizations such as the World Bank refer to the "three major Northeast Asian economies, i.e. Mainland China, Japan, and South Korea", as well as Mongolia, North Korea, the Russian Far East and Siberia. Unclassified. The ETIM is sometimes referred to as the Sharq (East) Turkistan Islamic Partiyisa (STIP).
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Turkestan (zastarano zriedkavo: Turkestán, Turkistan; po perzsky ترکستان - v iránskej perzštine: Torkestán/v ranej novoperzštine: Turkistán; v turkických jazykoch Türkistan; doslova: Krajina Turkov) je oblasť v Strednej Ázii, ktorá sa rozprestiera od východného pobrežia Kaspického mora až k vrcholom Hindúkuša, Pamíru a Ťanšanu. Turkestan russo ( russo : Русский Туркестан , romanizzato : Russkiy Turkestan ) è stata la parte occidentale del Turkestan all'interno dell'impero russo s’ dell'Asia centrale territori, ed è stato somministrato come Krai o governatore Generalship . Turkestan, prav tako napisan Turkistan (perzijsko: ترکستان, romanizirano: Torkestân, lit. 'dežela Turkov'), se nanaša na zgodovinsko območje v Srednji Aziji med Sibirijo na severu, Iranom, Afganistanom in Tibetom proti jugu, Kaspijskim jezerom proti zahodu in puščavo Gobi proti vzhodu.
De vlag van Oost-Turkestan ( Oeigoers: شەرقىي تۈركىستان بايرىقى), ook bekend als Kökbayraq ("De lucht vlag" of "De blauwe vlag"), is sinds 1949 de nationale vlag van het niet-internationaal erkende land Oost-Turkestan. Het verving de oude vlag door blauwe halve maan (jonge wassende maan) op een witte achtergrond en Shahada, die op 12 november 1933 werd aangenomen tijdens de verklaring van de Turkse Islamitische Republiek Oost-Turkestan, toen de toenmalige president East Turkestan", a term of Russian origin, asserts a continuity with a "West Turkestan" or the now-independent states of Soviet Central Asia. Not all of those states accept the designation of "Turkestan", however; Tajikistan's Persian-speaking population feels more closely aligned with Iran and Afghanistan.
Rytų Turkestanas nuo XVIII a. II pusės yra Kinijos dalis. Turkestan er et bækkenformet lavland, der sænker sig fra alle sider mod midten, hvor Aral-søen er den lavest liggende del af landet. Mod syd og øst er der høje bjergkæder, som danner randen, mod nord Kirgisersteppens bakkeland, mod vest det forholdsvis lave plateau Ust-Urt , syd for hvilket et lille isoleret bjergparti Balchan hæver sig op til 1.630 moh.
Calathrinan Turkestan is a Governorate of the Calathrinan Empire, spanning Central Asia. With 100 million people, it is the second largest Governorate in terms of both population and land area (second only to Main Calathrina). The terrain ranges from deserts, steppes, flat hills, to forests and large deltas. Lake Bakhalish, the second largest lake in Calathrina, is located here. The Turkestan cockroach (Blatta lateralis), also known as the rusty red cockroach, red runner cockroach or simply rusty red, red runner, or lat, is a primarily outdoor-dwelling cockroach native to an area from northern Africa to Central Asia.Adults measure around 3 cm (1.2 in) in length.Adult males are a brownish orange or red, are slender, and have long, yellowish wings which allow it to fly the entire wiki with photos and video History top lists Celebrities Featured Videos Trending Stories Great Cities British Monarchs World Banknotes Wars and Battles Recovered Treasures Kings of France Rare Coins Crown Jewels Great Museums Orders and Medals History … the entire wiki with photos and video History top lists Greatest Museums Featured Videos History by Country Celebrities Crown Jewels Greatest Cities Recovered Treasures Wars and Battles Rare Coins Supercars Kings of France Orders and Medals Wonders of Nature World Banknotes British Monarchs Turkestan, prav tako napisan Turkistan (perzijsko: ترکستان, romanizirano: Torkestân, lit. 'dežela Turkov'), se nanaša na zgodovinsko območje v Srednji Aziji med Sibirijo na severu, Iranom, Afganistanom in Tibetom proti jugu, Kaspijskim jezerom proti zahodu in puščavo Gobi proti vzhodu.. Turkestan vključuje današnji Kazahstan, Kirgizistan, Tadžikistan, Turkmenistan, Ujguristan 2021-04-10 Turkestan's Government takes place within the framework of a Constitutional Monarchy and a Parliamentary Republic, with the head of state being the ceremonial Khan of Turkestan, and the head of government being the Prime Minister of Turkestan, who, along with the Cabinet holds the Executive Arm. Turkestan has a unicameral parliament, the People's Assembly of Turkestan, forming the Legislative Turkestan on kuiv mägine piirkond Kesk-Aasias.
It is found in the mountains of western Xinjiang in China, and sporadically also in the
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Sinkiang (1915-1949) aka Chinese Turkestan; Scott: China %; Sinkiang [People's Post] (1949) Northwest Oost-Turkestan , ook Oost-Turkestan ( Oeigoerse : شەرقىي تۈركىستان , romanized : Sherqiy turkistan , verlicht 'Шәрқий Түркистан'; Chinees : 东突厥斯坦 ) Witsen, Nicolaes 1705 [1692], Noord en Oost Tartarye, ofte bondig ontwerp van eenige dier landen en volken, welke voormaels bekent zijn geweest, 1692, 1227 1) Turkestan is de historische benaming voor het woongebied van Turkse Gevonden op Yarkand = Yarkand is een stad in de Chinese autonome regio Sinkiang (het vroegere Oost-Turkestan of Chinees Turkestan). 7 Mar 2013 STIP (ETIM) is an Islamic based terrorist group that has allegedly been responsible for over 200 terrorist incidents over the last dozen years or so,_Shanghai Oost- Mongolie : Bisdom Jê-ho-erh.
Turkestan russo ( russo : Русский Туркестан , romanizzato : Russkiy Turkestan ) è stata la parte occidentale del Turkestan all'interno dell'impero russo s’ dell'Asia centrale territori, ed è stato somministrato come Krai o governatore Generalship .
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--Otrfan 25. helmikuuta 2011 kello 23.38 (EET) Jaa-a Oost-Turkestan is het thuisland van de Oeigoeren, maar ook andere Centraal-Aziatische volkeren zoals Kazachen, Kirgiezen, Oezbeken, Tataren en Tadzjieken.
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WikiVisually the entire wiki with photos and video WikiVisually People Places History Art Science 2019-01-09 · This page was last edited on 9 January 2019, at 21:49. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Turkestan, nekada navođen i kao Turkistan (doslovno "Zemlja Turaka" na perzijskom), u azijskoj historiji je označavao oblasti Centralne Azije između Sibira na sjeveru, Tibeta, suvremenog Pakistana, Afganistana i Irana na jugu, pustinje Gobi na istoku te Kaspijskog mora na zapadu. Turkestan russo ( russo : Русский Туркестан , romanizzato : Russkiy Turkestan ) è stata la parte occidentale del Turkestan all'interno dell'impero russo s’ dell'Asia centrale territori, ed è stato somministrato come Krai o governatore Generalship .
Traditionelt bliver regionen opdelt i Vest-og Østturkestan. Russisk Turkestan (russisk: Русский Туркестан, Russkij Turkestan) var den vestlige del af Turkestan i det russiske imperium (administreret som en kraj eller generalguvernement), der omfatter oaseområdet syd for den kasakhiske steppe, men ikke protektoraterne Bokhara-emiratet og Khiva-khanatet Oost Turkestan is on Facebook.
Three domes at sunset by Terry Allen Turkistan, also spelled Turkestan, in Asian history, the regions of Central Asia lying between Siberia on the north; Tibet, India, Afghanistan, and Iran on the south; the Gobi (desert) on the east; and the Caspian Sea on the west. The term was intended to indicate the areas inhabited by Turkic peoples, but the regions also contained peoples who were not Turkic, such as the Tajiks, and excluded 2021-04-12 Turkestan's Government takes place within the framework of a Constitutional Monarchy and a Parliamentary Republic, with the head of state being the ceremonial Khan of Turkestan, and the head of government being the Prime Minister of Turkestan, who, along with the Cabinet holds the Executive Arm. Turkestan has a unicameral parliament, the People's Assembly of Turkestan, forming the Legislative An East Turkestan state was briefly declared in 1949, but independence was short-lived - later that year Xinjiang officially became part of Communist China. In the 1990s, Oost-turkestan Cultuur Oost-Turkestan Quiz??? geborduurde bloes doppa etles polo legmen Hoeveel inwoners heef Oost-Turkestan? A: 35 miljoen,ga staan B: 36 miljoen,steek je tong uit C: 37 miljoen,draai een rondje Wanneer vielen de chinezen Oost-Turkestan? A:2000,sta achter je Turkestan city was the most important learning center for Kazakh steppes people. In 1390 one of the most important architectural monuments of Kazakhstan was built.