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Use it for yourself, or gift it to a friend! You'll also receive a Make Arma Not War 'Supporter' forums badge, but please note that it might take up to 10 minutes for the badge to appear. ArmA 3 Apex (PC) is the first massive expansion for 2013 ArmA 3. In Apex you will fight the Syndikat, a criminal underbelly of a South Pacific island Tanoa.Apex adds 100 square kilometers of new territory, a beautiful and detailed tropical archipelago. H_Cap_oli_Syndikat_F: Cap (Olive) No Armor H_Cap_tan_Syndikat_F: Cap (Tan) No Armor H_Cap_blk_Syndikat_F: Cap (Black) No Armor H_Cap_grn_Syndikat_F: Cap (Green) No Armor V_TacChestrig_grn_F: Tactical Chest Rig (Green) No Armor V_TacChestrig_oli_F: Tactical Chest Rig (Olive) No Armor: O_T_Soldier_AAR_F O_T_Support_AMG_F O_T_Support_AMort_F O_T Arma 3 Download: is a selective first-individual shooter, delivered in 2013 by Bohemia Interactive.

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It was delivered for Microsoft Windows and later reported for Linux in August 2015. This game is a solitary and multiplayer game. Although Arma 3 has been with us for more than 6 years, we very quickly discovered that it was simply not feasible to populate a large terrain such as Tanoa with nice, detailed compositions and realistic looking ambient life.

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A large Syndikat presence is active through their and likely have a number of bases present in these areas. The Arma 3 Apex expansion is supported by major platform updates, featuring a wide variety of new content, features, and enhancements.

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Altis is the largest official terrain in the ARMA series with ground area covering approximately 270 square kilometres (100 sq mi). The smaller island, Stratis, expands over an area of 20 square Wir bestehen aus 10 Leuten und spielen ausschließlich auf Tanoa auf dem Team-Elan Server. Offen für Alles und oft unterwegs auf den Straßen, um zu zeigen, dass man sich nicht mit uns anlegen sollte.

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