Vojni puč u Jugoslaviji izmijenio je političku situaciju na Balkanu. Jugoslaviju treba smatrati neprijateljem iu 2. Moja namjera je da koncentričnom operacijom sa prostora Rijeka - Graz, s jedne strane, i sa prostora oko Sofije, s 3. U pojedinostima naređujem sljedeće: a) DIREKTIVA 2014/25/EU EVROPSKOG PARLAMENTA I SAVJETA od 26. februara 2014. o nabavci subjekata koji djeluju u sektoru vodoprivrede, energetskom i saobraćajnom sektoru te sektoru poštanskih usluga i stavljanju van snage Direktive 2004/17/EZ (Tekst značajan za EGP) EVROPSKI PARLAMENT I SAVJET EVROPSKE UNIJE, Direktiva 94/25/EZ Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća. od 16.

Direktiva 25

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for implementing Directive 2006/25/EC. 'Artificial Optical Radiation'. European Commission. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. the European Union (EU) on June 25, 2018 and will apply as of July 1, 2020. reporting of cross-border arrangements that became reportable from June 25,  ADDED 06/25/2018 The directive (commonly referred to as DAC6) was adopted by the Council of the European Union on 25 May, as an amendment to  Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated  In its original version, the outline plan for Operation 25 called for the air bombardment of Belgrade and the ground installations of the Yugoslav Air Force to take  10 jun 2020 Direktiva 2014/23/ES o podeljevanju koncesijskih pogodb zato ne pomeni direktiva (Direktiva 2014/24/ES, Direktiva 2014/25/ES in Direktiva  Presidential Decision Directive 25 (PDD-25), is an executive order issued by President of the United States Bill Clinton on May 3, 1994 following a year-long executive agency policy review and bilateral consultations among dozens of members of Congress and the executive branch. Direktiva broj 25.

oktobra 1996 L 277 25 30.10.1996 M10 Direktiva Sveta 97/57/ES z dne 22.

They covered a wide range of subjects from detailed direction of military units in World War II to the governance of occupied territories and their populations. Direktiv är ett styrinstrument som används av en högre instans för att dirigera underlydande myndighet i rätt riktning mot tidigare uppsatta mål. Mer konkret handlar det om preciserade och förtydligade riktlinjer som formuleras i ett dokument som den underlydande myndigheten har att följa. Klicka på länken för att se betydelser av "direktiv" på synonymer.se - online och gratis att använda.

Direktiva 25

Conformity: Methods used Direktiva o radijskoj opremi:- i. Prilog II. 7 ožu 2018 su se propisi EU‑a o zaštiti podataka, osobito Direktiva o zaštiti podataka, 339 Direktiva 2009/136/EZ Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 25.

Direktiva 25

3. 1994.), – Direktiva Vijeća 1999/60/EZ od 17. lipnja 1999. kojom se izmjenjuje i dopunjuje Direktiva 78/660/EEC u odnosu na iznose izražene u ECU-ima (SL L 162, 26.
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5 Direktiva 2011/92/EU Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 13. decembra 2011 o presoji vplivov nekaterih projektov na okolje (UL L 124/1, 25. april 2014 ). 18 Jun 2009 Title, Directive 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly  2 stu 2010 Plan provedbe vodno-komunalnih direktiva je pripremljen nakon 25.

DIRECTIVE Number: WSD15-25 Date: May 24, 2016 69 The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/program.
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Declaration of Emergency Directive 026 (Updated 6/29/2020) Declaration of Emergency Directive 025 – Gradual Lift of Evictions Moratorium (Updated 06-25-2020) Guidance for Tenants under Directive 025 – FAQs; Guidance for Landlords and Tenants – General FAQs; Guidance for Landlords under Directive 025 – FAQs Directive No Date issued Subject Notes Full text 1 August 31, 1939 Plan of Attack on Poland German Invasion of Poland: 2 September 3, 1939 Hostilities in the West 3 September 9, 1939 Transfer of Forces from Poland to the West 4 September 25, 1939 Finishing the War in Poland 5 September 30, 1939 Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and repealing Search This Site Search All Sites Close Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford. State Agencies State Jobs ADA Assistance Directive 025 is a result of a collaboration between the governor's office and the attorney general's office working with various stakeholders including the Nevada Realtor Association, the Nevada DIRECTIVE 2014/25/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL. of 26 February 2014.

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Vojni puč u Jugoslaviji izmijenio je političku situaciju na Balkanu. Jugoslaviju treba smatrati neprijateljem iu 2. Moja namjera je da koncentričnom operacijom sa prostora Rijeka - Graz, s jedne strane, i sa prostora oko Sofije, s 3. U pojedinostima naređujem sljedeće: a) 25 §1 Har rätten lämnat tillstånd till hemlig teleavlyssning eller hemlig teleövervakning, får de tekniska hjälpmedel som behövs för avlyssningen eller övervakningen användas. I lagen (2003:389) om elektro-nisk kommunikation finns bestäm-melser om hemlig teleavlyssning och hemlig teleövervakning som Presidential Decision Directive 25 (PDD-25), is an executive order issued by President of the United States Bill Clinton on May 3, 1994 following a year-long executive agency policy review and bilateral consultations among dozens of members of Congress and the executive branch. – Domskäl 25 i EU-domstolens dom i målet Becker mot Finanzamt Münster-Innenstadt (mål 8/81) Ytterligare ett viktigt rättsfall var domstolens dom den 19 november 1991 i målet Francovich mot Italien , där domstolen slog fast att en medlemsstat kan bli skyldig att betala ut skadestånd till fysiska och juridiska personer som har lidit skada av att medlemsstaten inte har införlivat ett Ta direktiva se ne bi smela uporabljati za koncesije, ki jih podelijo naročniki za omogočanje opravljanja dejavnosti iz Priloge II, če je dejavnost v državi članici, v kateri se opravlja, neposredno izpostavljena konkurenci na trgih, do katerih dostop ni omejen, in je to ugotovljeno po postopku, ki je v ta namen uveden v Direktivi 2014/25/EU Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta (13). Direktiva 94/25/EZ Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća.

stavak 1. te članak 62. i članak114., uzimajući u obzir prijedlog Europske komisije, (Århuskonventionen) den 25 juni 1998 och ratificerade konventionen den 17 februari 2005. (19) Ett av Århuskonventionens mål är att garantera allmän­ hetens rätt att delta i beslut i miljöfrågor för att bidra till att skydda rätten att leva i en miljö som är tillfredsstäl­ lande för människors hälsa och välbefinnande. Savet Evropskih zajednica (1982) Direktiva Saveta EEZ 82/605/EEZ o olovu. Journal officiel des Cormmunaute europeennes, L, 247, 23.

Direktiva 2014/25/EZ. Direktiva 2009/81/EZ. Direktiva 2004/18/EZ. Direktiva 2004/17/EZ. Direktiva 93/38/EEZ. Direktiva 93/37/EEZ. Direktiva 93/36/EEZ 25.