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I am so excited to be joining the Sigtuna team. Education is my absolute passion and I have been working in and around teaching for over a decade. I joined the IES family 8 years ago and have worked at a number of our outstanding schools. Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age. Command of English.

How do I let the school know? All absences must be reported on SchoolSoft by a parent/guardian.

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School Life FAQ My child is sick. How do I let the school know? All absences must be reported on SchoolSoft by a parent/guardian.
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I am so excited to be joining the Sigtuna team.

When starting The English School in 1993, it was with the conviction that commanding the English language is imperative in order for youngsters to be able to realize their full potential in the modern world.
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Tuesday 14 April at 17:30, here at IES Johanneberg. Command of English.

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From August 2021 Internationella Engelska Skolan Solna will open in the area known as Ingenting.

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Från och med augusti 2014 blev vi två separata skolor, IES Johanneberg och IES Krokslätt.

English, maths and science are taught through English whilst Swedish, SVA, SO and our special educators teach through Swedish. Command of English. Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age. Q: What's your queue policy? A: Internationella Engelska Skolan operates a first-come, first-serve queue system, in accordance with Swedish school law (Skolinspektionen, Skolverket & , with an exception for those who have a sibling already at the school. Our schools often have long queues, and there are generally more would-be students in the queue than there are 2021-2022 Academic Year Autumn Term 2021 18 August - Start of autumn term 28-29 October - Inservice day 1-5 November - Autumn break 22 December - End of autumn term Spring Term 2022 11 January - Start of spring term 28 February - 4 March - Sport break 8 April - Inservice day 18-22 April - Easter break 26 May - Holiday/school closed 27 May - Holiday (klämdag)/school closed 6 To report a sick child please call before 08:00 each day. If you leave a message please state the student's name and class.