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A personal favourite of mine, Plickers is an interactive, quick and simple app to test and quiz pupils on a multitude of subjects. Plickers provides instant feedback on specific pupils and questions, allowing a quicker formative Mar 7, 2016 - Can you tell I'm a little obsessed with Plickers? I love learning new ways to use it, and I love sharing ideas with other teachers even more! Most educators think of Plickers as a free online assessment program, but I've learned some truly innovative ways it's being used in the classroom.

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Used by K-12 teachers in over 100 countries. Danielle Neppl. @ SecondWithNeppl. If you have not tried Plickers, you are MISSING OUT!! My students LOVE it! plickers created a custom logo design on 99designs.

To connect with Plickers, log in or create an account. I'm running a logo design contest on 99designs.com.

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المزيد. I senaste numret av Grundskoletidningen (dvs nr 6) skriver jag och hur det ”digitalanaloga” responssystemet Plickers fungerar. Texten finns  Download the Listly Mobile Apps.

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Sep. Plickers magnet assessment, or “plagnets” for short, have been taking the Physical Education community by storm these past few months.

Plickers logo

PE Plickers Magnets for Student Engagement. 19. Sep. Plickers magnet assessment, or “plagnets” for short, have been taking the Physical Education community by storm these past few months.
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Vi och våra leverantörer lagrar och/eller får åtkomst till information på en enhet, exempelvis  plick-logotyp-small-2 - Swedish App Scene. Plick is a new kind of building block | Coolest Gadgets Plickers Remote Learning · Plickers Logo · Plickers Review.

http://www.watchknowlearn.org/. Paper-based tests, Kahoot, Quizizz, and, Plickers were used for formative assessment. Multiple-choice tests can be created for students with these applications.
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Quick formative assessment tool. Plickers is a free student response system. Use www.plickers.com to print off the response card and set up your class and questions.

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13 Aug 2019 google classroom logo plickers logo Photo credit: Plickers. 4. Plickers. Plickers is similar in style to Kahoot but only requires the instructor to  I fredags skulle jag prova ett, för mig, nytt digitalt verktyg: Plickers.com. Jag tyckte att jag hade förberett mig väl och att jag hade full koll på hur  reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Plickers. Download Plickers and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Plickers lets you poll your class for free, without the need for student devices.

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Plickee. Plickersd. Plicka. Plickly.

Le site est en anglais, mais suffisamment clair pour ne pas s y perdre. Vous y trouverez les liens pour télécharger l application adaptée à votre matériel. Cliquez sur Sign up pour vous inscrire.