Spotlight 7 Unit 4 The Skateboard Flashcards Quizlet
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Inglés. Español. skateboard n. noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (board on wheels) (AmL) patineta nf.
Translation for 'skateboard' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. skate·board. skāt′bôrd′. s. monopatín masculine , tabla de patinar.
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A SKATEBOARD RAMP ▷ Swedish Translation - Examples Of Use
Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Contextual translation of "ride skateboard" into Spanish. Human translations with examples: ride, skate, patín, viaje, vereda, trocha, patineta, monopatín, monopatin. skateboarding {noun} skateboarding.
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monopatín Spanish Discuss this skateboard English translation with the community: Bicycling, rollerblading or skateboarding in the aisles or on the boarding platform. Circular en bicicleta, patines o monopatines por los pasillos y por los andenes. 2008-03-31 · I wanna know how to say "skateboard" in Spanish but I don't know how!
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andar en skate. The guy at the skateboard park said that Ritchie was fine. El hombre del parque de monopatines dijo que Ritchie estaba bien.
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me gusta andar en monopatín. I like to skateboard with my friends.Me gusta andar en monopatín con mis amigos. b. me gusta ander en patineta. On the weekends, I like to skateboard.Los fines de semana, me gusta andar en patineta.
Translate patinar from Spanish to Swedish - Interglot
Swedish, rullbräda Start studying Spotlight 7 Unit 4 The Skateboard. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Young Spanish girls ride skateboards on an island near palm trees on asphalt paths of the Park in slow motion in the rays of the sunset. Happiness and healthy Contextual translation of "arraigada" from Spanish into Swedish. Examples translated by humans: Spanish. práctica del skateboard está muy arraigada.
Se mindre Many translated example sentences containing "go skateboarding" at least in Spanish, brings to mind the previous name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Swedish to Spanish: more detail åka: Wiktionary: åka → ir, dirigirse, montar, [[pasear en coche]], conducir; User Contributed Translations for åka: ir, viajar I speak very good Swedish (native), English and Spanish and my Japanese is on a simple conversation level.