ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. SNM Stock Quotes and Insider


ShaMaran Petroleum Corp SNM aktie - Nordnet

The Atrush Block is located in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq. In 2021 the Atrush field gross average daily production is expected to range from 39,000 barrels of oil per day to 44,000 bopd. ShaMaran is committed to reducing its debt obligations and looks forward to making another positive report to the market at the end of the next quarter." OTHER. This information is information that ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse ShaMaran is a Canadian oil and gas company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and the Nasdaq First North Growth Market (Stockholm) under the symbol “SNM” and is part of the “Lundin Group of Companies”.


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("ShaMaran" or the "Company") (TSXV: SNM) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: SNM) today released its financial and operating results ShaMaran is a Canadian oil and gas company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and the Nasdaq First North Growth Market (Stockholm) under the symbol "SNM" and is part of the "Lundin Group of Companies ". Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @shamaranpetroleumcorp Twitter: @shamaran_corp Facebook: @shamaranpetroleumcorp 2021-04-12 VANCOUVER, BC, April 12, 2021 /CNW/ - ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. ("ShaMaran" or the "Company") (TSXV: SNM) (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: SNM) is pleased to confirm payment to the Company of $10.5 million from the Kurdistan Regional Government ("KRG") for the February 2021 Atrush oil sales invoice and entitlements and from the KRG's proposed repayment mechanism for receivables. What is the meaning of Shamaran? How popular is the baby name Shamaran? Learn the origin and popularity plus how to pronounce Shamaran ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.

ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil development and exploration company with a 27.6% direct interest in the Atrush Block | Adel Chaouch, CEO Home Company ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: SHAMARAN FEBRUARY 2021 PAYMENTS RECEIVED: 06-04: ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: ShaMaran Bond Amortization Payment Due December 2021 Reduced by 33%: 18-03: ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: SHAMARAN TO PRESENT AT PARETO SECURITIES' 16[th] ANNUAL E&P INDEPENDENTS CONFERENCE: 09-03: ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: ShaMaran January 2021 Payments Received ShaMaran Petroleum är ett kanadensiskt bolag verksamma inom olje- och gasindustrin. Idag innehas störst verksamhet inom Mellanöstern inom landsområdet som går under namnet Atrush.

SNM, ShaMaran Petroleum Corp, CA8193201024 - Nasdaq

Analysera ShaMaran. 10 års finansiell data för ShaMaran resultaträkning, balansräkning och kassaflödesanalys.


ShaMaran - Finansiell Analys Börsdata

The Company confirms that a payment of $20 million ($6.8 million net to the Company) has been received from the … ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil development and exploration company with a 20.1% direct interest in the Atrush Block production sharing contract. The Atrush Block is located in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq.


Känsligheten för indikatorn justeras sedan med ett periodvärde(D) (SMA, vanligtvis 3). Shahmaran, is a mythical creature, half woman and half snake, found with different variations in the folklore of Iran, Anatolia, the Armenian Highlands, Iraq, and of the Kurds. The name of Shahmaran comes from Persian words "Shah" and "Maran". "Shah" is a title used for Persian kings, "mar" means snake, but in plural "mar-an" means snakes. Shamaran spår oljeproduktion på 30.000-35.000 fat per dag för Atrush. Publicerad: 18 februari 2019, 07:54 SVENSKA AKTIERS NOTERINGAR I USA OCH KANADA 2021-04-12. 2021-04-12 18:28 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt.
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ShaMaran Petroleum nyheter - Analysguiden Aktiespararna

(TSX.V: SNM | OMX: SNM) ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil development and  SHAMARAN TO PRESENT AT PARETO SECURITIES' 16th ANNUAL E&P INDEPENDENTS. CONFERENCE.

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ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.: SHAMARAN ATRUSH

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Shamaran skjuter fram oljeproduktion - Affärsvärlden

You have free visits remaining to our Canadian company pages this month. Join us today for unlimited access, a Google  ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil development and exploration company with a 27.6% direct interest in the Atrush Block | Adel  ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. is a Canadian independent oil development and exploration company with a 27.6% direct interest in the Atrush  January 26, 2021 - ShaMaran Petroleum Corp.

Idag innehas störst verksamhet inom Mellanöstern inom landsområdet  Köp aktien ShaMaran Petroleum (SNM). Hos Nordnet kan du Africa Oil äger 50% Africa oil aktie Canada börsen shamaran.